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Research Papers

Organisation and standardisation of information in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL

  • Michele Magrane
  • Rolf Apweiler


SWISS-PROT is a curated, non-redundant protein sequence database which provides a high level of annotation and is integrated with a large number of other biological databases. It is supplemented by TrEMBL, a computer-annotated database which contains translations of all coding sequences in the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database which are not yet in SWISS-PROT. Each fully curated SWISS-PROT entry contains as much up-to-date information as possible from a variety of sources and the high quality of the annotation in SWISS-PROT provides the basis for the procedure which is used to automatically annotate the TrEMBL database. The large amounts of different data types found in both databases are stored in a highly structured and uniform manner and this structured organisation means that SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL together provide a comprehensive resource with data that are readily accessible for users and easily retrievable by computer programs.
Year: 2002
Volume: 1 Issue: 1
Page/Article: 13-18
DOI: 10.2481/dsj.1.13
Published on Jan 5, 2006
Peer Reviewed